Back in the day



Ancient Greek: κυνισμός

is a school of thought of ancient Greek philosophy as practiced

by the

Cynics Ancient Greek: Κυνικοί

Latin: Cynici

For the Cynics, the purpose of life is to live in virtue, in agreement with nature.

As reasoning creatures, people can gain happiness by rigorous training and learning the many natural ways for themselves and nature

to compliment each other and grow through cooperation

rejecting all conventional desires for wealth, power, fame, Ideas absent from nature as natural observables

practice flouting conventions openly and derisively in public

as necessary

Indeed they are here to lead a simple life free from excess

ever observant of the balance that homeostasis points to in all interactions involving more than one unit of the universe

Ever operating in pursuit of natural balance and self generating fractal completeness


Golden Rule in

A= 1/a-1

Euclidian Rules Applied

Pythagorean theorem out



Caveat Caveat ors

A caveat is a document filed with the probate court to provide notice to the court that there is an interested party who wants to be notified

Does it matter what comes next? Geffalumps all the way down. Lyric poetry

Authors of tales practitioners of the arts all of them..

The artists are the dreamers the travelers the seekers and the seers who see learn work carry water drink with their brothers and sisters dancing the song of the wind in the wind on the wind with the wind.

Back in the day, this was fun, now it is nonsense.

The Tautologists bring sense to sensibility function to form that will work according to the laws of nature as observed by all participants in the nature of nature that is naturalness




