The space of spaces Space the new space of spacy sphacpe of spaciousness toroidally
A Genus 2 surface
ooks evenly dividable
Circling the square was never a problem
put an infinite or at least three of these beauties together and the next thing you know you've got a dog darm earthy thingy
with an atomsphere thingy and a sunny juicer that keeps the sunflowers happy
Proof that rare things happen frequently
Sadly the skinny suited mods like to play this game more than they like to dream they can be the go champion that never could exist in a game where no set is no no
Base 3.14159
The mathematics that has been in use for the last 4000 years.
3 = the Prime complete set {{1}{1+1}{1+1+1}}
Pi Prime N umbers
a matrix 10 X 10 X 10 units in each
perfectly symmetrical direction
on each and every plane
curved or flat or otherwise which is not an option
Blind men figured this out drawing lines in the sand on a beach
It was easy enough for anyone to understand and too simple for
anyone to ignore 4000 years later the third leg of the stool that makes lines language and makes the language make sense is the
application of tautology to reasoned arguments has
gone the opposite direction of the Maya
it has gone in search of the Myan basket weavers dye
and forgot about the electric powered water desalination systems that have been left to be admired for the complete simplicity of the instructions written all over them about how to reboot something that does not need to be plugged in but rather plugged out to work.
The one with the most flowery speech does not win the argument nither does the a$$ hole with the biggest PIE hole who can spew the hottest wettest most idiotic nonsense in the history of recorded nonsense of which there is plenty and take credit for the daily achievements on tape for all to review and regale
the one who makes the fungible empirical argument with identifiable coordinates on the electrochemical carbon
mostly empty but certainly full enough of itself and the things in it
universe that is all around everything anyone here has ever seen first hand in the presence of two other humans who are here to correlate those coordinates as identifiable in reality
1 1+1 3 3+1 4+1 5+1 4+3 3+5 1
1+1 3 3+1 4+1 5+1 4+3 3+5 1 1
3 3+1 4+1 5+1 4+3 3+5 1 1 1+1
3+1 4+1 5+1 4+3 3+5 1 1 1+1 3
4+1 5+1 4+3 3+5 1 1 1+1 3 1+3
5+1 4+3 3+5 1 1 1+1 3 1+3 1+4
4+3 3+5 1 1 1+1 3 1+3 1+4 1+5
3+5 1 1 1+1 3 1+3 1+4 1+5 3+4
1 1 1+1 3 1+3 1+4 1+5 3+4 5+3
1 1+1 3 1+3 1+4 1+5 4+3 5+3 1
Number systems misunderstood misused misrepresented for 4000 years with very little interruption from the cheap seats where star
gazers were crazy enough to stick a piece of metal in the ground and
look at it for more than a minute waiting for the entertainment to start and a head to magically show up impaled on it instead observes with notation in the sand that something up there is moving just like something down here is moving and washing the beautiful drawings back into the beautiful blue sea to be drawn again and again now and now and now and again axiomatically
1 1+1 1+1+1 1+1+1+1 1+1+1+1+1 Turtles all the way down
The sum of the least common factors = the complete set
Turtles all the way down and up again
Golden Ratio
Given the Set of Sets {{A}+{B}}
Where {A}<=>{B}<={Pi^Pi}
Where Pi and pi are complete sets which are non null by
definition of a set as a non null set of electrochemical coordinates
possessing the minimal components necessary to quantify as
existing on the electrochemical spectrum in the measurable
electrochemical space as devined by ----{{{{COH}}}}+++++
where there are no bounds to the set of everything
C is the smallest molecular weight and the coldest temprature
at one corner of the matrix circled into a torus by Pi.
H is the combustor at the lowest and the highest level of combustion and temprature recordation
H is a byproduct of ----{{{{CHO}}}}++++/
where / results in pieces of eight being consumed and released
simultaneously in all locations measurable with existing instruments.
O being the other product released by {CHO} or {CH} or {CO}
un becoming themselves to re become them selves and rejoin
with others as the same components re cycled through the constant
bashing of the unicorns at the edges of no thing which are there
fore non sense.
{a-b}/{b}={b-a} /{a} {a-b} = {b-a}
{a} {b}
{a+b} {b+a}
{b} {a}
Squaring up the pi hole or is it Pi squaring the Pie holes who have been blowing smoke for far too long in the recent moments of momentum.
Psi, or its Arcadian variant
was adopted in the Latin alphabet in the form of “Antisigma” (Ↄ, ↃC, or 𐌟) during the reign of Emperor Claudius as one of the three Claudian letters.[2] However, it was abandoned after his death.
The classical Greek letter was adopted into the early Cyrillic alphabet as "Ѱ".
Written on the bottom of a bowl
Surprise surprise surprise
The following functions are transcendental:
{\displaystyle f_{1}(x)=x^{\pi }}
When you start glomming details together into geffalumps you lose the beauty in
the song
That is known as a blivet
10 pounds of shit in a 5
Η ηɛː>
iΙ ιi(ː)ΕΙ ειeːΥ υu(ː) > yΟΙ οιoi > yΥΙ υιyː > yΩ ωɔː> oΟ οoΕ εe> eΑΙ αιai
The letters Ψ or ψ can also be a symbol
Psychology, psychiatry, and sometimes parapsychology (involving paranormal or relating with the supernatural subjects, especially research into extrasensory perception).
In mathematics, the reciprocal Fibonacci constant, the division polynomials, and the supergolden ratio.
Water potential in movement of water between plant cells.
In biochemistry, it denotes pseudouridine, an uncommon nucleoside.[3]
Stream function in fluid mechanics defining the curve to which the flow velocity is always tangent.
One of the dihedral angles in the backbones of proteins.
The planet Neptune.
Indiana University (as a superimposed I and U).[4]
A sai, the name of which is pronounced the same way.
Pharmacology, general pharmacy.
In virology the ψ site is a viral packaging signal.
The J/ψ meson, in particle physics.
In the computability theory,
{\displaystyle \psi _{P}(x)\,\!}
represents the return value
{\displaystyle Y\,\!}
of a program
{\displaystyle P\,\!}
In circadian physiology, ψ represents the phase relationship between a zeitgeber and a biological rhythm.
In building, to represent an adjustment to a U-value, accounting for thermal bridge effects.
The ordinal collapsing function and notation developed by Wilfried Buchholz.[5]
In Biblical studies, as an abbreviation for the book of Psalms.[6]
Transcendent als
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the transcendental properties of being. For other uses, see Transcendence (disambiguation).
Part of a series on
Plato from Raphael's The School of Athens (1509–1511)
Allegories and metaphors
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The transcendentals (Latin: transcendentalia, from transcendere "to exceed") are the properties of being, nowadays commonly considered to be truth, beauty, and goodness. The concept arose from medieval scholasticism. Viewed ontologically, the transcendentals are understood to be what is common to all beings. From a cognitive point of view, they are the "first" concepts, since they cannot be logically traced back to something preceding them.
You Think There
You Art
I Think
There fore
I Am
Logic not magic
Once in a moment it was possible for this conversation to be had.
Who is on First
What is on Second
When is on Third
Why is Catching
I am pitching
Uncle lou is the umpire
Once up in a moment people who were not Arting were looking and listening and having a conversation and some of them were grokking the meow of the i idea I think therefore I art I art ther fore I am I am there fore I think therefore I am.
I am made of the stuff that everything is made of carbon electric hydrogen oxygen I consume these things to be who I am I process these things to be what I am I recycle these things to by why I am pitching to begin with and when I throw a wild one the umpire calls it
More on this in a minute