The Surface of

The Area of

The Surface of

The area of

the surface of

the sphere

Where it is the Surface of the Area of the surface all the way up and all the way down and all the way around and around in the uni verse where the sharp corners define the bent edges of a perfect circle a perfect tetrahedron a perfect replication of the perfect of perfection 3.14159

which is the sum of every thing and the product of which the infinity of every non thing that piglet is still looking for is just at the edge of if you can let your mind wander as far as it can go and then let it keep going because there is no end to where the imagination can run the last two or the last twenty four thousand and more scomplete revolutions of the moon abound the last couple or more thousand spins of the pale blue dot around the big yellow ball of fire in the skiy and around the smaller red ball of fire that is its belly are more than enough empirical evidence of that very stark fact supported by the largest pile of accumulated empirical data ever available up to now.

  1. no one gets out alive. No one no thing. Thing = sense

  2. there is no no thing sense = something

  3. non sense = no thing

  4. every thing is recycled. slow or fast. color determines rate/note

  5. nothing ever stops moving or changing color shows momentum/tone

  6. electric carbon pi* {AA = BB + CC }

  7. gasses are byproducts of carbon combustion all visible as color

  8. Heat is the other side of the mirror of cold which is the other side of the mirror of heat one does not exist without the other as an ice cube heats up it cools down the surrounding self as the ice cube cools down to white it absorbs heat from the electric carbon pushing it around getting it to hurry up or slow down

Biomes of biomes

The really illusory

simply complex

picture of reality at motion

in perfect stillness

The simplest idea of infinity or the perfection of perfect where the line that is the circle and the lines that are the sphere are equal sets of sets and it is just as they are nclearly imaginable that 1 when defined as the set of sets of diameter 1 which is equal to dimension 1 is also equal to 3.14159

the perfect set of sets which when cubed forms the perfect cube which is the perfect circle all perfected by pi

as the poorly designed bingo wheel above spins were it a tennis ball say being chased by a doggy which is what the nonsense on Wikipedia where this is to be found wallowing in the nothingness of non sense that pervades far too much of the pseudo scientific gibberish there attempting to pass itself off as tautologically sound reasoning were it a spherical object unfolding in three directions it would if liquid enough fill a box with dimensions 1x1x1 or if one were to understand the basics taught by Euclid himself, It would be possible to extrapolate this perfectly sound process to any five component system and obtain a well defined self regulating self recycling uni t in the uni verse.

Once the unit fails to self monitor self adjust self homeostatisize the unit begins to deteriorate and decompose eventually the energy required to maintain the unit is consumed by the unit itself attempting to maintain itself as it constantly puts itself out of balance consuming and otherwise interacting with the immediate environment in caustic and non helpful ways as far as the nearness of other units who have fungible resources to trade are concerned

Eventually the unit is recycled as are all other pieces of nature and the natural system which extends as far as the theoretical outer bounds of any spherically shaped imagined solar system and with empirical observation of color coded data it is

The sharp edge of con


In the realm of no things which are things without physical correlates other than the heat signature left observable for a zepto second as the muscle fibers fire by products emerge of said electric carbon combustion said by products dissipate into the electric carbon night to either pass other ships in the stillness or to get down and do the st vitus dance when some cat is meowing the tune that rings the bell that makes things swell

Meanwhile back at the ranch, where the skinny suited mods are working on breaking records for computer cycles wasted on pointless pursuits of non honestly assessing the assessments of activity you have what is considered to be the cutting edge of the leading and bleeding reading of the tea leaves that is what seems to be going on out there in the pastoral pasturelands of Cern.

Not a tautological simplification using the pythagorean as applicable as it was designed by the authors some minutes ago to prove the completeness of any postulated postulate of theorems of theories more formally informally known as big bright ideas of wondrously not ponderously wonder ish and wonder inspiring confusing nonsense that at their own admittance is basically a big computer pile of non sense.

The size of the idea is meaningless if the idea ator has the idea ability to put the idea into prime terms in side of the language that said idea is theoretically being expressed with as a complete set of.

In the absence of this where you get a three hundred seventy eleven page book of formulas never before seen by another human being which all end with =0

you know you are looking at a big pile of computer no no non sense

Which is of course no thing the proof of which is the fact that if one were to pull the plug on the electric jello that holds every copy of this set of nothing indicators the entire thing simply disappears as there is no longer any attraction offset by any repulsion which results in the idea being suspended in the sand of memory and then poof just sand, no memory.

Our Father

Who art our mothers son

We are all in the sky floating at any level conceive able if one considers the picture above to be a representation of some thing which is real and has identifiable correlates both the picture and the thing that it is theoretically a picture of in reality which can be observed fungibly by any two observers equally.

This is the system designed and written down in the best language available. A language a set of sets of sets letters words actions directions heat signatures hot on the business end not so hot in the cheap seats

all electrified carbon quantifiable classifiable identifiable by the same real coordinates on the heat map of hotness which of course is the other side of the cold map of coolness.

The fourth grade game where one takes three glasses of differently hot to cold spectrumed H2O and puts the same finger from one to the next observing the ambiguity of the idea of a single point of reference for temperature is possibly the second saddest day in the life of any student who has ever experienced the sadness of this event which is fobbed off as a cocktail party joke when it is as relevant to understanding how we as physical units manage to manage our way through the infinitely porus pores of life in all of the forms it is reduce able to given the gift of the Euclidian's.

In order to dissect this one must first look at the way all of the smartest of the smart smarty pants smarties are organizing the completely different systems of gas movement and fluid movement and solid movement which the smartest of the smart all love to talk about as completely different sorts of things made of unique components and managed by completely different and unique systems of management and so respond in entirely unique ways uniquely expressible by unique equations of equations of equations most of which end with =0

Lets take a look at a few and see if there are any terms that are well, nonsense and cancel each other out in a sensible way using arithmetic.

Major premise: Nothing is better than eternal happiness.

Minor premise: A ham sandwich is better than nothing.

Conclusion: A ham sandwich is better than eternal happiness.

Turtles all the way down

The surface of one sheet of a sphere if such a thing were to exist or be measurable which it is not because everything is moving all the time and is therefore monitor able on the measure able scale where the color spectrum is perfectly sufficient to indicate the relative presence of any theoretically connected this or that that might be that or this and here or there in the there that used to be here but is there now because not only is everything pulsating at the beat that keeps things neat but the pale blue dot is spinning with you attached to it if you happen to be standing on the burning ball of fire far enough from where it is hot to be flying at the speed of the rest of the trees and rocks and whatever else it is that is under you next to you and other wise near you at

Pi multiplied by the distance from The corner of fifth avenue and fifth ninth street in manhattan and the corner of Taiyuan and Taihua in Xi'An China

This appears to be part of the complete upside down and backwards understanding of the region in green.

The image gives the impression that the groundwater for the area to the east of the Red Sea is the source of the nile delta below Cairo.

Nothing could be more wrong.

The nile Begins in Kenya and west of Kenya at Lake Victoria

The Blue Nile and the White Nile join to form the Nile which continues to flow north from its sources collecting the run off and residue of life from half of the continent and depositing the well ground and some not so well ground material pushed along by the force of trillions of gallons of water and an unimaginable amount of cumulative energy generated released returned to the uni verse from which each component was as these components now are components of previous incarnations of similar or not so similar former bags of electrochemical juice representing a fraction of the diversity the beauty the complexity and the underlying simplicity of all things born of nature through natural processes

Thutmose III

Down in the basement the guests are making themselves at home shaking the electricity out of the inverted pyramid tree and upstairs the hosts are floating on the current generated by their generosity